I've had the pleasure of working with some of the very best wedding professionals in Ontario over the years. The following list includes just a few of my favourite people. The folks you'll see below are all at the top of their game and I'm proud to have teamed up with them for many special wedding days over the years. I hope this helps you in your wedding planning journey!
Aaron Daniel Films - www.aarondanielfilms.com
Your Day By Lucas - www.yourdaybylucas.com
Kath Films - www.kathfilms.com
Reel Love Story Films - www.reellovestory.com
Videos by Janet - www.videosbyjanet.com
Lear Films - www.learfilms.com
Ashley Readings - www.ashleyreadingsbridal.com
Taylor Switzer - www.taylorswitzer.com
Allyssa Helm - www.allyssahelmbeauty.com
Corrie Elle - www.corrieelleartistry.com
Blush Pretty - www.blushpretty.com
Shannon Petrolito - www.shannonpetrolito.com
Eryn Shanon Makeup + Hair - www.erynshannon.com
Blush & Bloom - www.blushandbloom.ca
Garden of Aden - www.gardenofadenflorals.ca
The Wild Pansy - www.thewildpansy.ca
Leaf & Bloom - www.leafandbloom.com
Forever Wildfield - www.foreverwildfield.com
Florillia - www.florilia.ca
Tade Credgeur - www.themarryinglady.com
Audra Jacobs - www.onesoulministry.ca
Martin Firth - www.ceremonieswithchoice.ca
Stoney Baker - www. weddingstoronto.ca
Francesca Bonta - www.francescabonta.com
AWAKE Ceremony - www.awakeceremony.com
Pretty Plans - www.prettyplans.ca
All That Jaz Weddings - www.allthatjaz.ca
INLY Events - www.inlyevents.com
Claudia Cole Events - www.claudiacoleevents.ca
Lexington & Co. - www.lexingtonandco.ca
A Lush Affair - www.alushaffair.com
LS Events - www.lasproductionsandevents.com
All Things Love - www.allthingsloveevents.com
Rich Sweet - www.djrichsweet.com
Evolved Entertainment - www.evolvedentertainment.com
DJ Lynz - www.djlynz.co
Dialed In DJs - www.dialedindjs.com